Monthly Archives: July 2013

“All you need is Love….”

What I love about the movie “Moulin Rouge” (with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor ) is that it uniquely illustrates one among millions of stories about love – in a fun, memorable and creative way. Communicating with song, dance and an imaginative script holding a central message about the experience of love. It emphasizes that love holds the greatest experience we’ll ever have… which is to love and be loved in return. Likewise in “The Fifth Element” (with Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich – ) – which is about love’s unlimited power to effect the world, and our essential need for the experience of love. Using a brilliantly humorous screenplay, “The Fifth Element” delivers a deep visual analogy, that illustrates the energy and influence of love in all its dimensions. Packaged in a futuristic “Being” who contains the universal message of love’s power to vibrate throughout the universe, making a profound impact beyond what we consciously understand or appreciate.

“Love…love is all you need”…. There are truthfully a billion stories that can be written about love; that already have been written about love and that definitely will to be written in the future and forever more … about love. That said, there are just as many reasons why seeking a higher self-awareness in effort to consistently live in alignment with a value to operate – to “show-up” in life – from the intention of love – is an honorable goal. Personal-training to be a love-warrior (or as Sade says “Soldier of Love” )- is a commitment that I hold myself to achieving on my journey. My heartfelt views expressed though writing serve to strengthen my focus on love….and along the way I hope, my sharing may guide you to your own love insights and delights.

I hope you will look for my on-going new posting (as they bubble-up) shown with titles on the menu.
With Gratitude & Love,

Looking Back….Landing in Abu Dhabi … 5July13

I touched-down in Abu Dhabi on July 5th, it was a Friday night and it was late by the time I finally cleared through the very friendly..?.. (mmm…not so much) immigration entry and customs queues, aka: “misc. other countries” – where my passport was professionally and intensely inspected. I recall that at the passport check-desk, the white dishdash gowned Emirate clerk was a somber faced, low talker. The immigration area, now filled with tired tourists, expats and citizens just arriving from long journeys, was tremendously noisy. I instinctively leaned-in and over the counter, cautious not to annoy or offend, (internally recalling a Seinfeld Show “low-talker” episode for lightness) – patiently demonstrating effort to hear. I found myself repeatedly asking the clerk to please repeat what he was saying because I just couldn’t hear him. It occurred to me that one interpretation for this behavior might be power posturing. I would have to struggle to hear the questions requiring an answer, to gain entry into his country; and that gave him the upper hand – the power. Another interpretation, I reminded myself, could be he was just having a bad day. Regardless, all I wanted was to be acceptable to his country, pick-up my luggage and to finally reunite with S. Questions finally heard and kindly answered, my picture taken, I was finally approved entry. I needed to find a ladies room. Not an easy task. The Abu Dhabi Int’l lobby more closely resembles a circular shopping mall than an airport-terminal lobby. Once in the difficult-to-find Ladies Restroom, across from the Ladies Pray Room, I remembered it was good I had tissue in my purse because their toilet accessories are more commonly a little hose and nozzle to shower your behind with rather than the standard practice we are accustomed to in the U.S.… and oh, yes did I mention the toilet bowl water is warm/hot… I know this because one can feel the steam coming up. I quickly refreshed myself impatient to see and touch my darling S. I enthusiastically collected my luggage from the mounts of bags at the carousel, loaded them onto a free luggage cart, pushed through a long narrow hallway lined with a decadently wide variety of high-end designer stores. After a few minutes I realized I was going into the airport – instead of out. So I asked for directions out, and finally reached the double glass exit doors that opened into a reception lobby packed with camera flashing nationals – Emirates, a variety of ex-patriots and hopefully, my guy, S. The greeters, all waiting for their arriving visitors stood cramped-up against a half-wall divider that secured them back and allowed the visitors to immerge. I hate walking out to a mass of people and having to look at each one of them to find S. So I quickly glanced and not seeing him I simply pushed on through the walkway and out into the group. I parked to the side to look deeper in the crowd from that side and behind….and there he was – still intently looking for me in the door through which I had just emerged. It had been a long trip. 22 hours travel time to be exact… but when I saw him, looking for me, waiting patiently…so handsome, it was all worth it and in perfect timing.

With Gratitude,



Only 7 More Days in Abu Dhabi – 28July13

As my final July days in Abu Dhabi with my love” S” begin to dwindle down…to eventually land on my departure date ….August 3rd… I realize once again, what we all know to be true, which is that time marches on, X’d-through calendar pages fly off, regardless of our wishes. The passing of time sometimes serves us well, other times it does not. Today, I am comforted by the knowledge that this particular trip has been tremendously validating and centering for me and I believe for S as well. We’ve had fun, lots of fun, refilled our heart’s survival kits, continued to strengthen & deepened our friendship and romantic love for one another, and established a more focused understanding around our life plan for the near and forever future…as best we currently can. There is a peacefulness available in this emo-space, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.

with gratitude always,


Cupcakes in Abu Dhabi

Beautiful Cupcakes, Friendly Servers & Sharing my favorite sweets with my favorite Sweetheart S… Delish!!! …. (… & thinking of Jessica & Lucas )


Where to Begin? 7/24/13

When I first came to Abu Dhabi beginning of July, I thought now is the time to start a blog.    So when I finally got my newly created blog site set-up and posted my first piece, truth is, I thought I was “all that and a Bloomsbury cupcake”…( choose Abu Dhabi  ).. as I hit the “publish” button, more than a week ago.  I felt the empowering promise of a great beginning.   After all, I’d been talking to “myself” about this for some time – actually for years.  And on the occasions, in particular, when appreciators of my personal essay readings, performed yearly at my Women’s group event, expressed genuine resonation with my work, and inquired; “Are you published?, Where can I get a copy of your essays?  I feel you wrote about me.”  I’d hear myself sincerely promise them, “I’m planning to create a blog. I’ll keep you posted.” Or “I’m going to put together a collection of my essays very soon.”  Reflecting back, I have no doubt, that I left those conversations completely committed to that promised goal. Honestly.  But then, in a split second, life took control of my day… and ….la de da de da, …be in the moment, …stay in the moment (sung while channeling Robin Williams in “The Bird Cage”… )… my focus would shift to the next shiny object.  Well, that’s what happened here (again) at the click of the “publish” button.  So how does this observation serve me today?   Well, it serves to open the door to greet you on my terms; frames a proper introduction to my intention for this blog;  sets me up to talk about what it is, what it is not – and plays with “why” it’s been inactive since my first post…that is, until now.

About me: I am a writer.  That may seem like an easy thing to state, yet it wasn’t until my first heavenly writer’s workshop.   Ten glorious creative days at the University of Nebraska Summer Writer’s Conference in 2007, where, at the conclusion we were told that the one thing we should each confidently know about ourselves is that – I AM a writer.  The confidence fluctuates but my  determination and love of writing keeps me in the process.  I discovered my writing voice and its energy – in my forties, well before, the workshop.  I had just remarried, and was returning to college on quest to move closer to a dream of mine. My field of interest had long been the study psychology, I wanted to be a child psychology and I wanted to better understand what made all people tick.  Additionally I sought to explore and skill-build around interpersonal-communication, and so began the destined nurturing of my enthusiasm for creative writing. Although, the PH.D. was not my destiny,  I soon found that I loved and needed, to write. I discovered, and then stepped into, my “flow zone” in the expression of writing. It also provided a much needed natural cathartic outlet.  I began to hear that what I wrote about resonated with others. I found great joy and fulfillment in the instantaneous power to profoundly connect with others that derived from sharing my work.

My writing style is stream of consciousness. Some might say I am generously wordy.  I love run-on sentences and no doubt would keep an English teacher up all night – setting new records for the red pen mark-up opportunities plentiful in my work.   I tend to write the way I talk.  That said, I’ve vowed to myself to work on my writing to achieve a more concise style – full of substance and fun.  It’s a goal.  I like to think of my writing as though I am having a conversation with YOU.  (Doesn’t everyone?) So depending on the space I am in… sometimes I will be brilliantly insightful and sometimes I will be “i love Lucy” ( )…  Either way,  my intention is to bring something of worth to each posting… a reflection of gratitude to smile with, an insight to ponder… dropping a seed  into your day, or a silly moment from my perspective, that I hope will bring you laughter and joy, and threaded throughout will be thoughts and reflections on the many dimensions of love.  The amazing transformative energy of love.  The slippery surface of love’s ground, as experienced from the height of a romantic over-the-moon state of love, to the struggle between the desire for security and seeking peace in uncertainty  .…hence my title “slipping on the moon”.  Bravely leaning-in to my experiences grappling with the ups and downs of my life – searching deeply for lessons and purpose embedded in it all.   I write from my personal observations, experiences, and insights.  I write about love, sadness, fear, loneliness, growth, resiliency, struggle, joy, grace, simple sparkle and fearless self-examination.

What this blog will not be is a negative feed.  If struggle comes into play it will be ultimately reflected upon from the stand point of wisdom attained from experience.  So, reading friends,  if positive potential and opportunity thinking are your gig, if looking for the insights to be realized, if the ‘aha’ moments and the humor that can be found in even the most crazy-making experiences are some of what you love… then my blog is for you.

Life Purpose: My true life purpose, I have joyfully discovered is that I am to serve others as a Life & Transition Coach.  I am a spiritual seeker on a personal journey to achieve self-actualization.    My life-long mission is to seek enlightenment and self-awareness.  I am 60 years young which finds me in a new romantic relationship, inviting me to step outside myself, bravely traveling the world, as a novice, motivated by love.  I created this blog (finally) while here in Abu Dhabi – UAE –the other side of the world – where I’m currently visiting my Love  – “S” – for this one month adventure (ending very soon).   My path holds the promise of many amazing adventures to come.  My past has delivered a rich breadth of valued opportunities from which I glean awareness and wisdom.   My hope is that whatever I share will inspire others to see their days for the gifts they present.   I hope to communicate consistently from the center of what I believe – which is that in every moment we have a chance to be exactly who we authentically are and want to BE.  I want to be a positive contributor from and about love to the collective consciousness of our universe…and along the way …..I want to make you laugh…… ( “i love Lucy” moment… … enjoy!

With gratitude,


Day 1 stories from moon

Well here we go…. I’ve been yapping about beginning a blog for some time now. Imaging how easy it would be. Envisioning myself elegantly banging away at the keyboard like Alicia Keys at the piano… words flowing from me creating images and inspiration …flowing, I tell ya!! …and in this same – daydream – I can see my readers clearly infused with joy and inspiration – entertained and looking for more, more!!  Well, that was my initial level of inspired energy anyway,  as I first sat down to create this blog – 24 hours ago.  My real motivation to set-up my blog at this time came straight out my isolation and frustration. Several days of the inability to SKYPE my peeps back home. (and yes,  my cousin also nudged me on FB with: “would you just start a blog already!!” thanks for the spark Cia…) Ok, that brings me to the fact that I am in fact, on the other side of the planet. SFO was my launching site. Take-off was 12:30pm on the 4th of July. I arrived at my desired destination on Friday evening, July 5th  at the conclusion of a 22 hour journey.  Abu Dhabi, which is located in the United Arab Emirates,  is 11 hours ahead of California. So it was necessary to travel through time bent forward (time which I will amazingly collect bending-back when I go home). … The time zone surfing aspect is so crazy – and my body knows it.  Anyway, it was soon after I arrived, I wanted to begin writing and sharing some observations from my trip – to do email blasts. To share my delight at reuniting with my dashing love –  patiently waiting for hours to deliciously greet me at the airport. I wanted to regale you all with my stories as I have in the past and of which you have all been so appreciative and welcoming.   But then came the SKYPE internet challenges which soon triggered my ridiculous obsession with creating a blog ( …did I mention I am a blog-virgin & technology challenged?) – to creatively connect to you all,  to freshly feature (my self-proclaimed) amazing insights – a project that today successfully has driven me just this side of mad!!  I think the universe had already filed their ideas for my time.  So the stacking of these events caused me to wonder, Q: “what am I supposed to get from this?”  What did I answer? you ask …? You got it – A: Push forward and Create the blasted Blog!!… So yes, my journey fans, let me report that trying to create and write a blog from the 23rd floor of beautiful Grand Millennium, Al Wahda, Abu Dhabi Hotel (check out the link) has been quite interesting.  I have been here 3 days and 2  nights… and let me just mention, I’m not too happy about the already quick count-down to leaving my love again, …but the point is that I realized that for most of my days here, I have been wrestling with technology.  Whether it’s simply about trying to restrain my Internet Explorer from displaying the text in Arabic, or the UAE internet police advising me that I can’t download a app (VPN) to help me call on skype… or just feeling “internet bugged” and wondering it the bug is what secretly caused me to frustratingly lose (2 hrs of work) the first whole draft of my Post input…seriously.. it’s a little tweaking.   Boy! ..I can’t help but note how this all drives home an awareness  of  just how easy it is to overlook our basic everyday freedoms in the good old USA!.. Right?    

Whew!!! I feel so much better. Thanks, I needed that off my chest. Ok. Re-group…deep cleansing breath… shall we?  Back to my centered  … looking for the joy in every moment authentic self.  I really do have some fun little stories to share about my journey here and the days with my love so far. So, if I can successfully post this intro … and experience the joy of knowing it’s working.. .. than I will begin to share more stories from this side of the planet.  thanks for reading. Joyously carry-on. Peace out. xo c