Discernment Vs. Judgment: Navigating the Gray Areas of Ethics on a Heart-Centered Path

I was recently involved in a fascinating conversation with some dear, longtime friends. We found ourselves discussing the actions of an acquaintance who, on a whim, decided to purchase Taylor Swift concert tickets with the sole intention of reselling them for a profit. The outcome? Two tickets sold for an astonishing $6000.

As I relayed this story, I couldn’t hide my discomfort with the ethical implications of this person’s actions, essentially revealing my judgment of their behavior. My friends’ response, however, took me by surprise.

“Well, if someone is dumb enough to buy them for that much, or is so eager to go and can afford to pay that much… why not?”  commented one of my insightful and kind friends.

This “live and let live” perspective got me thinking. Are we slowly letting go of our moral compass? Is this indicative of how our society might evolve?

I recall Seth Godin in his brilliant book “This is Marketing” where he offers a perspective for fundraising marketers appealing to very wealthy philanthropic donors to contribute generously to their worthy foundation… he writes: “As marketers and agents of change, we almost always overrate our ability to make change happen. The reason is simple. Everyone always acts in accordance with their internal narrative.” Essentially, he was referring to the power in how we frame and hook an elite status association to a specific behavior. In this case million-dollar donations.  This is from his chapter titled “People like us do things like this.”

Following my girlfriend’s chat I both felt appreciative of her generosity and flexibility toward the key person in my story, and a bit troubled by the broader implications, and I wondered:  Will we need to broaden our definitions of acceptable behavior to maintain peace of mind?

As someone who strives to be a spiritually aware and mindful individual, I aim to contribute positively to the world and the collective energy we’re all part of. This includes practicing non-judgment and embracing BigLove energy (a concept I discuss in my book), which extends even to those facing the greatest challenges. It’s not always easy, but it’s a commitment I make to myself – to be a source of love and kindness, while also maintaining healthy boundaries.

So, how do we navigate these gray areas of ethics and behavior? I believe it’s possible to establish healthy boundaries, to be kind and loving, and to discern what contributes positively or negatively to our world. And we can do this without being judgmental. Observations made with compassion, love and forgiveness can guide us on our path. 

A helpful starting point is to ask ourselves, “What’s here FOR me?” and to approach the answer with love. We are all on a journey, navigating the complex terrain of ethics, judgment, and discernment. And it’s through these conversations and reflections that we continue to grow and evolve. 

“Ship of Friends” by c.e.leon

(Originally Penned August 2013 – Never Posted – Found floating in Drafts.)

Today, as I sift through my soul-searching “in-basket”, overflowing with

questions & angst, seeking direction, longing for my inner-Captain … to

awaken my strength, as I have many times before … I’m profoundly

motivated to give attention to and reaffirm, my ingrained state of

gratitude for my amazing friends ….

…..Especially in my seasons where the universe commands me to strap-in,

and ride the emotional tidal wave of change and transformation.

Significant shifts, all of which, I have historically done very openly amidst

my intimate friends….

Yet, with each of the 40 plus passing calendar years of our friendships, … as

a tribe, we’ve evolved and we’ve deepened in our wisdom. ….We’ve

practiced sharing with impunity the “all-knowing” opinions we’ve collected

and provoked in each other, by the unique places this spirited-earthly-

journey has taken us…both individually and collectively.

We participate in intimate conversations with each other, draped by

a well-nurtured….. yet, delicate “freedom, to be who we are, to be real……

……And yet, who we are, is mixed, colored by the highs and the lows,

empowered by our courage, as well as, weighed-down by our individual

fears and concerns, dimensions typically found in all human-beings.

Each friend contributes a unique blend of both their tough, and their soft

heart, their rough and their gentle words, closed or open-eyed – styles of

expression – all knitted together and delivered with conviction.

The resulting dynamic, because, indeed, without question, we do value our

friendships, is that we hold an awareness of our quest, which is to find

ways to keep our communication steady and open – during, throughout, and

after, the occasional, yet essential, journey through foreign human-primal

patches of ego-driven voices.

Sudden quick cutting words blurted-out… inaccurately conveying hardness

of heart with one another, or an uncharacteristically poorly couched point,

that sounds arrogant, judgmental and conclusive. All these uncomfortable

awkward moments, within the theatre of long comfortable lifetime

friendships… where although, love undoubtably lives… the truth is, we

sometimes forget – that something of real value is at stake here.

Moments, which have the power to shut-down…. and cut-off….

a friendship.

These times, I believe…are critical and magical moments.

They are the food for self-growth, for self-discovery, & personal


For these are the places, where, if, the challenge of expanding all our

hearts, in keeping loving-kindness flowing forward, backward, and all

around in our little village, within our deep unbreakable friendships – is

achieved… And, the good intentions, that are at times, unintentionally

“miscommunicated”- (….it happens, with our human tendency to error …)

– IF, these “energized-nuggets” can be plucked out of that quick-sand

mess and then…transformed by ourselves, to be understood, absorbed and

utilized as energy to fuel good strong intentions for self-reflection

– for open-hearted-ness

…. and then motivate us to a re-examination of our actions &

thoughts, under an enlightened beacon …Offering a prayer for less

suffering …for the collective loving higher consciousness of all… And most importantly,

if, all this, can happen, without the need of fanfare or dramatic publicity…

– Then THIS is where… on a day like today… when there’s a moment to

reflect on one’s friends, after an evening of rough & tumble girl-talk… aligned with

their collective mission, to protectively counsel a dear beloved friend –

like… for instance, … ME…

– about how to manage challenging affairs of my heart …

with their colorful potpourri of chatter… and with intended … good-good

hearted …points of view…

in these moments of reflection – I come to realize …..

…..that in the end, whether in concurrence with them, or not, whether their

views are compatible, in harmony, with mine, or not,

….is not… really the issue… or the point.

– What Shines Brightly …here… for me, is the consistently generous giving

of their steady never-ending collective love, deep concern and sincere

spending of their heart’s energy, with desire for all things “good”- in and

for – all of our friend’s lives… – this time it’s for my life.

– Never displaying their fatigue or disdain of our struggles. It is in this ship of love,

that a genuine treasure is found. Indeed, I believe, it is a genuine

friendship test. And it’s this call of awareness to be grateful that I sing

about here.

And … Oh yes, I’m grateful for my fate, my ying & yang, my luck or whatever it

was that endowed me a life “worthy” of my amazingly loving friends & family…

and…I’m so grateful for the new friends that I haven’t met yet but with whom

my life and theirs will be further enhanced, and as my full and ever evolving crazy life

journey continues – my Gratitude

flows …for long ago…

when speaking of lifelong deep friendships … my Ship gloriously came in. 💖

 :::  Before You Die – Gratitude for a Little Window of Time to Love You – OR – Forgiveness: Good-Bye Grace in Action.


August 5, 2019 – Monday

It’s been a strange few days, weeks actually.

:::: Call for Prayers:  Over the weekend there were several horrible shooting incidents – resulting in the deaths of many innocent humans – just out living their life. Gilroy, California; Dayton, Ohio; El Paso, Texas.  I pray for the victims murdered and those still struggling for their lives and for their families. These are unspeakable sufferings that have been thrust upon them. The effects of these nightmare events ripple out to all of us.                         My prayers continue to be with them all. ::::

:::::  The weekend for us, my partner Steve and I, was a weekend of intended recovery – from the hard work week we’d both completed. It was an intention we both easily collaborated in, laying around watching movies and recharging our energy.

For me, what had just passed were several weeks of struggle with a mild depression that left me low on energy. The tasks that I’d walked through (aside from my business building and book tasks) were focused around purging and finally closing my Mom’s storage unit in Clovis, CA that had been holding her things since her passing in 2016. It was time. But that final, culminating release of the things that were hers was a rough one.  And I felt myself re-opening the channel of grieving, or perhaps completing some unfinished grieving that came bubbling to the surface. Ours, was a complicated mother-daughter thing – of the flavor of the “Gilmore Girls” (Emily & Loreli) variety. During this weekend time, following the completion of the storage task, I allowed myself the space to work through it and practiced the self-compassion and kindness that I speak to others about as a life empowerment coach and teacher. 

The last few weeks also included some travel to Nashville around the approaching launch December 10th of my book “roots of forgiveness” and the audio launching August 16th.  Plus,  all kinds of time was given in a big way to picking my way through the maze that is the Social Security system process. You see, I’d reclaimed my maiden name, I’d turned 66, and re-established myself as a single (divorced) woman – so these were big changes in progress. All significant shifts requested through SSA forms, followed up by corrections, clarifications and proof requirements, and tons of energy-draining paperwork that never seemed to end. Add to this, numerous visits to the SS Office and phone calls with 1+ hour hold-times and my days were consumed.

I recall these details for you simply to show, that I’d carefully chosen the things I’d spend time on to move forward with, and as well, what I’d decided had to wait a little.

July 21st – will always stand out because it’s my ex-husband’s birthday. This year he turned 76. But as of yesterday, it’ll now stand out for another reason, and here’s my biggest NEWS of all and the entry into the main topic herein.

:::  Yesterday I discovered that on July 21st this year – just 2 weeks ago from this writing – my Uncle Rudy died. He would’ve been 100 years old on August 15th.

I’d been trying to reach him for a week or so, with no success. His phone just rang. Then the next try it was disconnected.  An unusually long time had passed since our last phone visit, given our typical frequency of every 2 to 3 weeks. Fact is, I’d been busier for a while. So, when I couldn’t reach him – I began searching the obits of Ohio, for the town he lived in, and there I found his name.

I knew that when he passed, I’d have to discover it for myself. That there’d be no call or message sent to me from his sons, my cousins. I knew this because following a phone visit, in which we joyfully planned the idea of taking a trip out to see him, the next day, Uncle called me back and regretfully and tearfully shared that his son, his main care overseer, my cousin, was still holding resentment for an incident that had occurred between his parents and mine – decades ago.

::: I came to learn that sadly there are old family grievances turned to grudges, which have been nurtured over decades to deeply root. And while buried, have transformed from the old anger into new badges of bitterness – rather than forgiveness, healing and release. Some of those grudges became unknowingly inherited by me.

I held space to mindfully remind myself it was my turn to resist resentment, and to choose compassion for these members of my family – who had created their own suffering.

But let me be honest – in the moment – you might wonder, did finding out about my new inheritance hurt me? Yes, of course. And truthfully, I was initially triggered. My thought was – I didn’t do anything to anyone to create this wound – so why hold it against me?  AND THEN – I heard my inner voice yell at me – “loudly” to practice what I preach about “forgiveness”.

It was time to once again engage walking my talk – in real time.  Fully present I heard my inner voice “yelling” – especially directly after I read out loud the first draft of this blog to my son (total transparency – slight revision was needed to walk my talk…urk! Human-Girl here…). My wonderful impassioned son, who loves and wants to protect me, showed me his triggered response and his readiness to begin a new tallying of offenses with his own energy of impassioned payback, for my cousin hurting me with his judgment…BUT WAIT – There IT IS!  Right? The Truth is: We all have the power and capacity to either – mindlessly plant seeds of resentment and pain – or mindfully hold space for healing by de-charging the resentment – choosing instead – to soften our hearts, ignite our grace and practice forgiveness to heal and move on with love. And that’s what I communicated to my sweet son.

A legacy of family wounds passed on unaddressed, serves only to erode families and its member’s inner channels of open connection and love. The very connections which motivate family members to choose whether or not to acknowledge a belonging to each other and/or a family lineage– even to the smallest degree.

It became deeply sad to me to realize that this was an element of the current legacy my Uncle regretfully left behind with his son. I know my Uncle wished it could’ve been different. He tearfully told me as much. He knew that in the end, bitterness eats the owner from the inside out. We spoke of it often. Both believing it’s never too late to begin the healing, but acknowledging that it requires openness, willingness for forgiveness, grace and “biglove” in order to genuinely change things.

::: I can still hear the sounds of gaiety and sights of the evenings spent either at Uncle’s home, or at our home – coming together with my folks to play cards, visit, affectionately tease each other, all to laugh. They all loved to laugh. I can still see my Aunt, who my Mom called Ro, dealing the cards out to each player at their kitchen table, gaily instigating fun while balancing a lit cigarette in the corner of her playful smile, one eye closed to avoid the smoke billowing up past her cheek to the rays of light from the ceiling fixture.

Family nicknames like – Sis, Ro, Hon, Babe, Bobby, all tossed around in the fragile but sweet smoky space of energy and fun.  And if other Aunts and Uncles were there – it was a double hoot. Or the many weekend park outings, as a child, or teenager, at Roeding Park where Uncle spent cool morning hours playing tennis. He was quite an athlete. Overall, for me, there were very good memories of the times with Uncle. He was always kind to me.

And then – one day – he was gone. I never knew why until I was much older. But either way, suddenly – his whole family moved away and remained “vanished” – to me – for 30+ years.

::: I think of this as a “family fracture” – a crack in the fabric of a larger extended family – the result of an argument, a betrayal, a judgment – it seemed a common theme in my family experience. We were a very large family with many extended relatives. My Dad had 6 siblings.  My Mom’s family – which included Uncle – was made-up of 11 children.  And each of them had multiple offspring and then grand offspring and on and on. My Mom and her 10 siblings all possessed personalities which were strong, passionate, loving, generous, stubborn, insecure, angry, prideful and judgmental. Mix in a heavy dose of fear combined with the real struggles of survival and the rough social times of the ’40’s, ’50’s & ‘60’s and on – as first generation born immigrants.  Now add my Mexican born grandparent’s passed down dysfunctional practices as parents and it creates a family dynamic to overcome for generations. We all do the best we can with what we know. It’s not always a good deal.  Each naturally wanting to feel good about themselves in the larger world, but ironically, inner turmoil brewing, as the learned family behavior (passed on by my grandparents) lead to an unstable, vulnerable and fragile state of inner sibling connection, or mean-spirited disconnection. If only they could have known that each one was different, flawed and struggling themselves, to find their way, to be their best, and to be happy – and have that supported by the family. To be fair, many of my relatives are super wonderful, kind, forgiving and loving… it’s the ones that aren’t that push the seeds of pain.

::: The truth is – this wounded acting out exists in many families and communities. This is the reason we have wars in the world. This is the reason we have the kind of violence that’s terrifying our communities. Each person believes themselves righteous to think and act as they do. And they’re willing to break connections and erase lives to hold their view.  There’s a way to transform our practice of creating our own suffering in our life and unlock our own cage. With forgiveness, love, compassion and courage we can widen our perspective to accept that no one’s perfect, and we all need forgiveness and acceptance.

::: I was blessed to be able to reconnect with my Uncle again in 2016 and go behind the curtain to see the heart of the man he was – at his core – warts and beauty and all. And to show him who I was. My Mother had been reaching out to reconnect with her brother for many years following the communication break and had laid a path for me, before she died in 2016.  I’m grateful. I reached out to him with a call and he answered, and I found my Uncle again. He was deeply hungry to connect on this level. In his nineties, he spoke of feeling isolated and lonely for connection. He lived near his son, but his son, a professional, was naturally very active and busy working long days. So, my Uncle, by his own choice, spent a good deal of his time alone, especially after he could no longer drive.

::: We re-bonded from our first call after all those years. I deeply loved and will miss our calls. Our lengthy multi-hour calls – speaking with me, and my partner Steve, an Army Veteran, with both of us, he would dive into the sadness of his experiences of WW II, fear, loss, anger, death and the profound wounds that he still suffered with.  And then together we’d rise to reflect on some moment of beauty, or love, or humor, moving through the tears of sadness into spontaneous outbursts of laughter and JOY – where we played in a dance to know each other deeper.

He would tell me that I was an angel.  “Kiddo, you’re a god-damn angel. You know that?” he’d say. “.. you’re really special. You know, I didn’t really know you when you were young. But you are special.” I loved when he’d say that – he allowed me to feel loved by him and to feel special to him. I felt connected.

::: Then there were other times when he’d say difficult things. He’d tell me his version of stories about my parents. He’d bring up their mistakes, trespasses, flaws – and speak with a poor opinion of them as people.  It hurt me.  But I’d patiently tell him that I knew they weren’t perfect, and I’d invite him to consider whether it might be better to forgive them and allow that they were doing the best they could – just like him. Just like me.

We would talk at length of the power of love, of forgiveness, about pain – how to relieve and heal it, and we shared wishes of what could’ve been. But then we’d look at NOW and how life is FOR us and how the roads taken have gotten us to this moment – full of love.

And he’d say, “Mija, you know, you’re an angel, a goddamn angel, I mean it. I just thank you for talking with me and making me feel so good.”  Forgiveness does that. It allows our hearts to soften and let in the power of love to heal and lift our burdens.

:: The truth for me is that HE gave me so much – he didn’t even know he did. I’d tell him that he was giving me something wonderful in talking to me, and he’d respond by telling me how much our calls and I meant to him.  The fact is he gave me a special energy of love – that is ‘family’. He gave me the shared tribal family energy that’s part of my Mom. That’s part of all my Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents – their core family – all but 2 gone, as of this writing. His phone calls were a gift, and with each phone call and each time we’d say good-bye we’d say good-bye as though it was going to be our last conversation, because we knew he was frail, and that he was ready to go when the time came, which could be any day. So, we said “I love you” a lot, and expressed our appreciation for each other each time we spoke. We laughed and cried together and gave each other a lot of time in our calls with a lot of love. We cried at how much we’d miss each other when that final time came. We gave it all, each call, our best energy and sense of appreciation and contentment that we could – knowing all the while that I wouldn’t be able to go to see him. And we compassionately forgave that state of family restriction, as well, and simply accepted it. We worked through grace with what we had to work with to connect. We honored with gratitude the gift of the moments we had – each one by one.

Reflecting back, to the time around when he passed and I didn’t know, I can’t help but wonder if my mild depression wasn’t a spirited communication of a higher-conscious awareness of his passing and an ignition of the natural mourning that serves to soften us through the power of grace.

And in writing this and reflecting back, I ask myself to look at what I learned from our re-connection.

::: I learned that “within” my extended family of relatives – emotionally injurious interactions have left wounded hearts on the battlefield, abandoned to scab over best they could, exposed to fear, shame and judgment of themselves and each other – which created a deep defensive divide and fracturing of the collective while fertilizing the already unhealthy learned behavior driving it even deeper, in some instances, into the lineage of my family.

::: I learned without the active intentional learning and practicing of compassion, kindness and forgiveness – our strongest impulsive behavior when wounded might be to shield ourselves with vindictive anger because it seems better than addressing the fear of FEELING and working through the pain and the shame – that the wound produces.

::: I learned that my family is just as humanly vulnerable to break – as any family or community of people – who are stubbornly unwilling to practice with commitment a culture of empathy, patience, forgiveness, compassion, and courageous transcendence through love.  That in my family the outcome of not practicing forgiveness was viscerally evident, once unearthed.

~ STILL ~  I’m not discouraged.

As Uncle and I spoke over the course of the few years we had – we danced in and out of the stories of the events that had occurred. It wasn’t easy. It was in fact painful to hear about the misunderstood and divisive pain that lived in my larger extended family for decades which involved my own parents – total truth or not – generally unbeknownst to me.

::: What I do know is that although I moved away from my hometown at the start of my twenties – I took with me the learned seeds of anger, stubbornness and judgment – but I also took the love, generosity and passion seeds. And as years passed, my life shook me up deeply enough to bring me to either choose to become awake, softer, open, forgiving and more flexible – or become harder, angrier and shut-down. I chose the first, and Life expanded my perception and my choice of how to deal with it all. And today I live with a deeply grateful heart, still evolving intentionally to be more loving.

::: Life gave me a magical chance – a little window of time with my Uncle – to connect, find understanding to forgive ourselves, to be forgiven, to love, to laugh, to comfort, to listen, to share and to validate the uniqueness and gifts of each other – in a deep and meaningful way…and THIS is the Gift that I will carry deep in my heart for all my days. I’m so happy that I embraced the chance to engage in this little window of time with you, Uncle, for the opportunity to express lots of love to you before you died.

::: And this brings me to the BIG Thank you – to my cousin.  Who with full awareness that Uncle and I were communicating and with full ownership of his deeply seeded disapproval of our communications – to his credit – he did “nothing”, nothing to stop us.  He didn’t send me messages and tell me to stop; he didn’t call me, text me or mail me – to leave Uncle alone. He did nothing. And by doing nothing he actively gave me the biggest Gift of Love. A window of time to love my Uncle before he died. Thank you – Cousin. I will always be deeply grateful.

Thank you – Uncle for engaging with me in forgiveness, open-hearted sharing of your suffering, and for choosing to be open to give and receive love, for sharing your wishes and your joyful energy. For laughing and crying with me.

::: For appreciating how important “letting go” of the hurts, anger, resentment and judgment about being bad is – allowing the good love and good energy to finally flow in – especially as your being ALIVE was coming to a real end.

I’m so grateful that you allowed me feel as though I brought a gentle healing to your heart during your final time on earth and offered you a gentle loving way to view yourself and your life with self-love – through the eyes of my love and friendship for you.

I will miss you. Both Steve and I will miss you. And your voice and energy of YOU will remain alive and happy in our hearts.

May you rest in Joy and Peace in the cradle Heavenly Love – free of physical and emotional suffering – in delighted joyful wholeness – laughing and loving with all family and friends gone before you and now with you.

And may you help me be a messenger of love, grace, forgiveness and healing for all those suffering in the bitterness of unhealed wounds and injuries.  So they may realize that hate no longer serves them, and to choose instead to unblock their most loving, light and life.

May you along with all our loving family and friends send your energy to support, strengthen and heal our earthbound Spirits and Hearts.

I love you Uncle, always Chris

#forgiveness, #rootsofforgiveness, #familylove, #healingthewounds, #lovebeforeyougo, #thelovinggoodbye,

A Heart Spark #2- Does Your Father’s Day Holiday Bring up more Emotional Hurt than Happy?

 Here’s an Invitation to Rethink your view of Father’s Day with the Power of Forgiveness.20190315_153139

Happy Monday my friends!!. Well, yesterday was Father’s Day! And it was so awesome to see all the truly happy and loving tributes to Dad’s blooming up all over. Sharing joyful gratitude for the essential and best parts of masculine energy that, if accessible to him, Fatherhood can ignite and highlight.  Blessed are those whose childhoods naturally consisted of the sweetest path for their “becoming” journey from birth on.

But what if you are someone whose Father (or Father figure) and the growing-up experience you had with him, now make Father’s Day very emotionally hard? Each year as you go to try to purchase that Father’s Day card – the one you may or may not obligatorily feel you must -and you find yourself searching for that one card that sounds emotionally “removed” enough – that you don’t feel like a hypocrite giving it. But what you do feel is a real sadness because you don’t feel connected to authentic freedom to buy one of those sweet, mushy, amazing “Dad” Hallmark cards that pour of love. But instead you find yourself secretly wishing – while blowing the Dandelion flower – that someday it could all feel magically better.

It feels hard because maybe your experience is that your Dad wasn’t “there for you”. This could be physically, mentally, or emotionally. Each aspect, in any combination or individually, can be just as difficult and painful to emotionally manage, while we’re still in the middle of growing up, because all we want, at that point, is to simply have a Dad to give our love to, and to really feel loved by.

Maybe he was a Dad you couldn’t feel close to, whether he lived with you or not, or, for whom you seemed to never be able to make happy, proud, or interested in who you were.  Maybe you felt you couldn’t be enough of anything for him; pretty enough, smart enough, athletic enough, funny enough, successful enough. Or maybe what it boiled down to is that he just couldn’t see your special shine – not because you didn’t have it – but because he just wasn’t able to see it.   And what if you have spent your life feeling “less than” with the “first” most important special man in your life, whom, as the Hallmark cards say – you wanted to be your “first love”?  But instead, found yourself missing out on the special “first love” that every child who does have that, seems to delight in – that experience of good feelings and ownership that he is their “Daddy”?

Maybe your Father betrayed your Mom, whether through infidelity, secrets around finances, dishonesty, abandonment, cruelty… or whatever the painful actions you see as your experience of your Father.

Consciously or unconsciously, these views indicate that you are holding onto the resentment and anger as a shield of protection, for yourself, or perhaps a way of proving loyalty to your Mom. It may feel the right-eous thing to do, and yet, the weight and cost of this – is the constant absence of your own ability to feel free, at peace, fully loving, or happy. It’s like something feels heavy.  Heart heaviest when you think of your Dad.

Who, today you see as a man whom you may or may not admit you love,  but who either way, because of the actual conditions of your relationship and how it developed, all you can feel in the moment is pain, sadness, missing out, resentment or anger about him – as your Dad.

I know something about this challenge. I felt much of this about my Dad for much of my young life. My Dad was a good man. He was Human, just like everyone, so he made mistakes.  As my experience of my Dad, going up, was hard on me.  He was hard on me. But much less hard than his folks were hard on him. Because they were very backwardly cruel in they raising of him. So, I guess you could say, I had it easier. But I still grew up feeling like I was chasing the ability to feel “good enough” on so many levels and I unconsciously wore the anger of it much of my life. I spent loads of time looking for answers to why it couldn’t be different and wishing it was, but living in subtle anger.

Until I had my first child, and the feelings that ignited in being a Mother woke me up.  That’s when I decided I wanted to change how I FELT about my Dad.  What I discovered was I had the power to shift my perspective of him. And with the shift I found a way to view him through the eyes of compassion, kindness, and softening of heart that quieted my own anger and opened me up to grace through my choice and willingness to my power of FORGIVENESS in my heart, for him.

When my intention of forgiving began MY whole heart’s vibration began to rise with compassion and to heal.   He softened as I softened. It wasn’t a perfect shift. It was always a process of forward and backward – but always with intention to move toward love – over and over.  Ongoing we struggled – in and out of connection. After all, I didn’t open to my willingness to compassionate forgiveness with my Dad till my 30th’s – so my anger had been in place for a long time. I learned that integration and a new way of connecting through forgiveness wasn’t going to happen overnight.  However, in the end – our evolving relationship was sprinkled with tender intimate daughter-Dad experiences, that produced memories I cherish to this day.   And a more gentle and generous loving view of the good, loving Human man and Father – that he was always wanting and trying to be.

My Dad died in 2008 of a chemo-reaction from cancer treatment. He was 81. And the longer he is gone the more I’m grateful that I woke up to the healing miracle of willingness to choose a different perspective unlocking the loving gate to forgiveness.

Deepest Truth: Forgiveness is one of the HARDEST things you will ever be called to do. And it is also the most powerful – self-loving, empowering, healing GIFT that you can give to Yourself.   Yes, to YOURSELF.  We think we are giving our forgiveness to the offender – but Truth is we give the gift of forgiveness and the power of the higher love to yourselves. The healing ripples of love vibrate out from there.

If you are someone who struggles with Father’s Day, or Mother’s Day for the matter… or any relationship experiences that are producing an emotional life for you that YOU WANT to change.

I would love to talk with you.

Perhaps for you the place to begin is to rethink your view of your Father and begin the process of opening up your willingness to consider the miraculous power of forgiveness to change YOUR life in a way that would surprise you.

If you would like to talk more about this powerful ignition of forgiveness – I invite you to visit my website (link below), as a Life & Relationship Coach, my core mission is to empower others to ignite their super powers to experience and live the highest most joyful version of their life. Cultivating the self-loving practice of forgiveness is more powerful than most know – to that end.  If this is you and freeing the baggage of pain you’re currently toting around sounds good to you –  let’s talk.  I’d love to help you on that healing journey.   And if you know someone who may benefit from this invitation – please pass my message along.

I welcome your comments, and please like it below, and share it …

And for more support on this beautiful journey of living a joyful loving life..Please – Go to my website: www.christineleoncoaching.com.  With  Gratitude always, Christine



Insights on Rising Again: When you’re the One Left in Relationship c.e.l.

adult-blur-bonnet-246804June. A month traditionally marked by new beginnings – weddings, graduations, Bon Voyages, and all the special occurrences that we deem as exciting and invigorating.

However, for every yin there is a yang in this life.

So, what if your June is marked by an unwanted and unexpected “ending” of your relationship?  An occurrence we simply name as “he or she – left me”.

Truth is it doesn’t have to be June for it to feel as devastating and shattering as it does – but June (like February) can be particularly rough – in heartbreak.
I’ve been there.

I’ve actually been on both sides of this relationship crisis and perhaps you have as well.
Our memory is dimmed when we are internally scrambling to figure out what the hell happened, and how this could possibly be a mistake – that we can correct? Right?

I’ve also, been the one who left. Who decided to end the relationship, the marriage, or friendship – and that action involves a different energy.

Still, if you are a caring, compassionate, loving Human Being, well then – it’s still difficult, painful and heavy, but – one has the opportunity to feel more powerful, more in control. The driver.

Being left feels like a sudden death. Being the one leaving feels like it’s an ending, but also a new freedom. And truth told – it is both.

A death of relationship AND a new life relationship experience for both.                            It’s an ending, most of the time, of the thought of sharing your life with the other AND a new beginning, even though unwanted.

Of course, the new beginnings can only begin once the essential grieving is sacredly processed, and we are ready to move into new experiences waiting.

These are a given, but hard to digest this early, when pain is so raw. Right?

So, stay with me, wounded friend… there is good and powerful medicine coming.

As I said, I have been on both sides of this relationship crisis, and so I know both the courage, strength, compassion and heartache it takes for both sides. When the only option is: To leave (think: HBO-“Divorce”), to stay when you should leave (think: “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”), OR to be left (think: “Under The Tuscan Sun”).                          It’s a no brainer. We’d all rather be “The Leaver”.

We can all list our reasons with conviction when we feel the relationship must end, especially, when we are the one sure that leaving the relationship is the best answer.

“It wasn’t all I expected. Something was missing. I didn’t feel loved. We argued all the time. I didn’t feel connected or seen. I fell out of love. It just wasn’t enough. ….”.

We can articulate with exact authority the feelings, thoughts, experiences, insights that lead us to say… “OK, I’m done, and this is over!”

Indeed, with all the righteous compassion we bring – which most times, from this place of surety and confidence, flows quite easily, and because we are the leaver, not the one being left – we attempt calm emo-management in an highly emotional space. So, we list all the reasons why we both, should be willing to amiably part ways and accept that it’s time to move on.

From our advantage it feels fair, right and aside from the sincere regret of hurting their feelings ( i.e. breaking their heart) – we are feeling stoically justified and well-balanced, adult-like in being able to see with such clarity our “Truth” as we know it, about the incompatibility of our union. And so, as a sort of self-protection we see ourselves as a good person for having the courage to do the breaking up of the union – because after all, we know with all our hearts that “some day they will thank us cause we were right”. And from this perspective there is a sense of balanced righteousness.                              And if we can set “emotion” aside for a moment, when one is truly, deeply and authentically ready to leave a relationship – fact is – they’ve actually left a long time ago.

So, regardless of the possibility that there might be some merit in that perspective –

What I imagine YOU want to KNOW now is this –
What if YOU are the one still in-love, still wanting to be stayed with,                                  and you are the One being Left?
What is your ground zero of strength and recovery?
How should you walk upon the pain of the shattered glass of this sudden onset of heartbreak?

Well, my friend, HERE is what I call some GOOD NEWS.

There is a Universe driven higher-power (Source, Creator, God, Spirit) synchronicity that is happening for you – NOW.
Hard to see it through your tears and pain of now, not expected that you do, because your heartbreak is absolutely real and must be processed.
However, there is something subtly, subconsciously comforting in just reading that there is the possibility that a more positive, happiness fulfilling – “opening” in your life – has just occurred.

That the possibility of someone “more naturally” in alignment with your ideas of connection, love, respect, fun, commitment, sex, intimacy, holistic relationship and beyond – is yet to come.

Truth is you won’t realize, register or remember that you’ve read this, good news, for a while. Determined by the freshness of your heartbreak. Your heartbreak pain may be too loud to hear anything else but itself. Still, I invite you to just see the words and let them roam and linger freely in your thoughts. I promise, you will eventually hear it.

Having this experience of abandonment, of being left in a romantic relationship is its own profound growth experience. As Rainer M. Rilke writes, “…only someone who is ready for everything, who excludes nothing, not even the most enigmatical will live the relation to another as something alive.”

As, I mentioned, I have experienced both sides of this relationship dynamic. All my relationships have been long term commitments. I was a girl longing for commitment and full-in willingness to grow and evolve within the life of the relationship. I always believed that the relationship I was “in” was for the rest of my life and I regarded all parts of it that way … until I couldn’t, and then it became a mission to resolve it, or make other choices. And, in my immaturity, I believed that to choose to leave was only acceptable at the edge of the cliff.

By the way, note, these beliefs and practices did not insulate me from heartbreak, divorce, betrayal, or any of the powerful personal struggles of romantic relationship.

But returning back to You, friend.

What IF You are the one left in the relationship?
What is here for you?
The answer is endless possibility, love opportunity and vast potential for the One in harmony with you and your special sauce of Divine love and aliveness to enter your life.
The one who left you is not the One.
As Maya Angelou is quoted as saying, “When someone shows you who they are listen to them.”

This doesn’t mean the one who left you is a bad person. They’re probably a great person, you chose them originally for a reason. Since then, what has been discovered in relationship, is that they aren’t the person in harmony with your energy or your best life. It is the relationship experience that reveals this best for both of you. Truths, expectations and all the parts that one wants in a union, sometimes rise to show they are different. Not good, not bad, just different. Now they are no longer the person who sees you through the mirror of sparkly love-filled eyes that they once did, or that you saw them with.

And that is not a right or wrong action. It simply IS.
When we accept what IS, absent any shame, or judgement – we free ourselves to open to the attracting energy of that other someone or other energy to come, which may be more our cup of tea.

We empower our own healing and resilience by shifting our perspective and meaning of the event..

That new experience of romance may not come right away but then there’s a lot of beautiful personal work to do to prepare for that new adventure.
The beautiful work involves first grieving the loss, then re-building your inner strength around courage, brave vulnerability, resilience and self-love and empowerment on all levels.

These are the callings to you in this moment. Will you answer? It is always your choice.

Relationships offers fertile ground to work out so many deep-seated issues (wants, wounds, fears) that we unknowingly carry around with us. If we just listen – see – and stay open – it is all there, and offers us opportunities to heal and give to ourselves the very love (BigLove) we need to fill the voids in our Being that exist, and constrict our capacity to live our best lives and relationships.
Now is your time.
Find the treasures buried there and mine the juicy insights and jewels of alive love that are waiting for you to ignite a new beginning.

Heartbreak that accompanies the experience of being the one left is a catalyst, a hidden spark for this deeper profound work on ourselves.
Profoundly shitty as the experience is – it can be eventually seen as a gift.

Rise to your YES to Live. And oh yes, once again, only after time is given in self-love and empowerment to honor the basic essential sacred grieving, the honoring or your heart, that must be journeyed through, but once you move through the basic steps – there is an bright opening that awaits your arrival – on the day, when you are strong and brave enough to look up and see that the dark gloomy clouds have parted and the sky faithfully there, always, behind the clouds, is still blue and full of bright, warm, vital sunshine to sparkle in your eyes with sweet potential … Yes, there is absolutely more alive and fabulous life to come.

Stronger and more in touch with oneself you can move forward to your next love and life adventure.

Please Leave any comments or feedback below – my wish is that this message is empowering and comforting to at least One sweet broken heart on the mend.

With love and support always for your journey. XO Christine

P.S (If you’d like empowering support on your journey or would like a free copy of my book “roots of forgiveness” a basic guideline on reclaiming yourself after relationship crisis  – then please visit my website: http://www.christineleoncoaching.com and leave me a message.

I wish you centered peace, love and ease… and lots of JOY!

My 66th Birthday ReBoot – A Love Letter

Hello!!! Christine 🎂😘🌟💗

This is my 66 BIRTHDAY REBOOT POST !! (Originally Posted on my FB) ::::

May 1st 2019,

Today is my birthday! 66! Seriously Wow!! It arrived in a blink.

Time moves on even if we are dragging our feet on the road of life. It never slows. It moves with mission.

I feel so gratefully blessed to wake-up today, and each day, to have another chance to play in my choice of actions.

As I wake, I pause to review the import of this day, this b-day and explore the deeper meaning of what I coach myself around for my life, and as well, what I see coming up in others I seek to help through coaching, in loving service to them.

So, in honor of “a” birthday event – (this one mine) – I ask – “What is resilient Joy? What is graceful maturing beauty? What is an essential key to living a good life? Why does practicing forgiveness matter for our best life? What is the fall-out of not practicing to forgive? … What does it mean to practice to live each day with a “balanced” warrior’s enlightened heart?

So, in the spirit of sharing myself and my birthday thoughts with you – I have written this as a spirit supporting letter to myself. A reminder of what I practice and desire to cultivate in my life. And because I am Human it is an everyday prayer to myself to stay with it and not become discouraged by the lows nor the highs of life. But instead to find the sweet spot in the spacious middle for peaceful resilient joy.

If you are so inclined to want to jump on this stream of consciousness birthday ride with me  – I lovingly welcome you and thank you.

To accompany this heart-full ride, I will also add a little parade of pictures to post that represent my birthday morning preparation. A pictorial of my morning “getting ready” for the day from a place of joy to be alive, awake and moving through it. FYI – I am attending a BHNC Women’s club Tea today (May 1) so it’s perfect for the fun morning ritual on my B-Day!

Sweet Note: Welcome to my version of 66!! Indeed, We each have a uniquely special version of our “Self” – and we each, have freedom to choose how we will travel in our body’s temple through life & on our Birthday. We are ALL equally amazing, unique & beautiful. Do it Your Way. Reflect on it & align it to speak of YOU. XO….. Here is my way. ***

** Loving Choice : Reflections for this Birthday **

:: First – my choice of intention with my inner attitude for the day is important. I choose graceful, resilient, radiant joy, and beauty. To feel that way from the inside out. Which to me is a capacity to hold space for myself to be, at times, frustrated as hell with everyday struggles and wounds that come up, as they inevitably will – be it through – assumptions, misinterpretations, or limiting beliefs. To challenge the accompanying thoughts and to choose to lift myself up, explore the story in my head, realign for truth, clear my heart and self-encourage on to forward empowered energy – again and again – beyond tears, fear, doubt and pain.

To choose to regard each event with a blend of compassion, patience, grit, guts, grace, clear boundaries and compassionate forgiveness – engaging until the closest thing to the desired end-state is realized, or, the necessary change or adjustment – has been accepted and put into action.

Capabilities all – learned, practiced – each day – cultivated over time. The positive power to rise.

:: This Choice of inner living-style calls in a heart & conscious acceptance that times of joy are just as passing as the hard-knocks that will inevitably come. To commit to practice each day – to build and broaden my inner strength and capacity to embrace and endure (with love) then rise – beyond each experience of living. To ride the waves of all: the joyful births, romance, youth, fortune, success, health – and then in kind – the inevitable dips of challenging struggles brought by loss, death, disappointment, time, gravity, betrayal, pain, illness, or loneliness… and all the “realities” that the impermanence of life brings.

:: We live in a constant shift of change, dynamic – never set or solid. All is in motion – seen or unseen. And all experiences, smooth or rough, carry seeds of inherent beauty and wisdom to reap, honor and integrate into the making of our best life. Our full-on appreciation and acceptance of the adventure of life.

:: Living well brings the highest challenge in acceptance of the fact that all will pass. So – to embrace the miracle of each moment – in the NOW – eyes open – PRESENT – as best one can be – is the invitation.

To view life as though it were a moment – landed like a glorious butterfly in the open palm of your hand. To be cherished for the miracle of it – with awe and tenacious engagement. To take the ease and the hard with equal acceptance and respect for the meaning and growth they offer. To remember – nothing is wasted.

Life each day is the path to my full Self. To my Soul home. To God. Divine. Love, Spirit & Light.

:: Our Heart’s strongest calling – authentic forgiveness. Forgiveness is love in action. So, practice to come from love, embody love – no matter what. Even as you curse the suffering of struggle against the truths of living – Still remember to seek – love, tenderness, the peaceful stillness that is available underneath the noise of pain and suffering – and to move closer and closer to knowing ourselves as love. Again and again. And eventually, (and Yes! it will happen) to rise with openness to the resilient JOY that has cooked in us a resilient Spirit from the powerful effort and practice to live with love as our True North Star.

Since Truth is – sometimes the hard work of living gets to us – it’s the most Self-compassionate act of endeavoring to not give up that is the steel love ethos of each of us.

That radiant inner shine. That resilient Joy and glow of Love – cultivated from the deep personal positive work. I believe that is resilient Joy. That is graceful maturing beauty. That is living a good and best life.

And it is the continuous self-empowering commitment of spring-clearing our hearts through the cultivated practice of kindness and forgiveness (again, love in action) that frees and OPENS the pores of our Being, like illuminated tiny opening on our skin glowing out the light from our inner love.

:: Do you think something is Unforgiveable?  ….The fall out of refusing to forgive is the sealing over of our portals of love, layering on defense, bearing an every growing heavier burden, bitterness building that eats a soul – which is all to say, it cocoons in our radiant resilient joy and replaces it with self-imposed suffering in a cage with poison, which only imprisons and poisons us. This is a life of an imprisoned heart. When we are hurt or injured – we are already in pain. Isn’t holding onto that pain simply creating more suffering, hurt and pain for ourselves? Forgiveness is the key to this cell. Willingness through and with Grace is the start and then the hard work begins on the path to self-loving freedom. We each, all of us, need to be forgiven at some point, in this life, or the hereafter – so this is part of our divine path. Embrace this higher consciousness and deeply profound personal work of growth.

:: ….. And then, in good measure – remember your miraculous body – practice great self-care acts : hydration, exercise, active friend/family community, nourishment, prayer/mediation, practices of positivity and optimism, healthy boundaries and work/finance healthy honest balance… they all matter.

Taken all together – Now there’s a sweet-spot juicy birthDAY cocktail – for a good life happy hour- every hour! Inner and outer practices to create my best life – Yes!! Big Yes!! To the effort and intention of it all. With Love.


…. And SO there it is… My Birthday Reboot!!

Dear Ones all..
Happy day with tons of love to each of you.
I invite you to be reborn in your own intentions to embody love each day.

It is a practice. Life long.

The return is priceless and ageless.

Tons of love to you… each.

I want to invite your thoughts that came up for you – I would love to know what landed on your heart as I shared mine.

And if you or someone you know are in the emo struggle and want support around it… check out my website at christineleoncoaching.com and send me a message and we will explore it together. Or PM me here on this site.

Thank you for taking this sweet birthday ride with me and for all your best Wishes. (Btw: My bday was a fantastic day… and I Thank YOU each for your sweet Wishes.) It was a great day!
Always with love, Christine

PS Watch for upcoming announcements regarding my book in audio and paperback launching in a few months. Xo

#birthdayloveletter #resilientjoy #gracefulmaturingbeauty #forgiveness#rootsofforgiveness #loveinaction #birthdayjoy #gratitude #love#presenceandlove #rebootingloveandlife #joyofbirthdays#rebooteachbirthday #yourversionofyou #resilienceafterbetrayal#powerofgrace, #lifecoaching

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Desert-Vaca Delights July 2018

Just back and finally rested from an 9-day road trip extravaganza that began Friday, June 30th through Sunday July 8th, 2018 – now.. eager to share our travel tales.
It was to be a road-trip vacation caravan with my daughter-in-law Jessica and Frenchie Charlie traveling in their rented & fully “packed” GMC Yukon XL, followed by Steve, myself and Lizzie in our old red Lexus to New Mexico.  Lucas would fly in and join us all on July 3rd.

It soon evolved into a driving adventure of high heat endurance from the Santa Cruz coast of California, breaking our travel for a night in Flagstaff, Arizona, then on and into the middle of New Mexico – ending our drive in Eldorado at Santa Fe –  while all the while – the bigger adventure became unearthing fun and joy in the middle of a crunch travel-time schedule and the desert delights that awaited us. (i.e. hi-heat, desert dark,  spiders, big bugs, cactus stickers & coyote).
My son and daughter-in-law, Luc & Jess recently purchased real estate in Eldorado. A sweet – “waiting to be loved” – fixer-upper Adobe Bungalow in Eldorado at Santa Fe. Inspired and fueled-up by their awesome visionary plans to create a perfect vacation spot to offer themselves & others as a desired “get-away” from the city busy-ness and packed-in noisy feeling that San Francisco does so well – Step 1 Transformation was this trip’s target. And we (Steve, myself and Lizzie) were invited to get in on the ground floor of hands-on energetic preparation toward their creative vision.
This adventure included:  dorm room style sleeping arrangements, attempting to ignore the thoughts of potential propelling insects from the gorgeous wood log beamed ceiling, circling air cooling fans of all sizes and functions to create environmental indoor ease, clearing innocent insect inhabitants just trying to have a life, cleaning abundant storage cabinets, scrubbing quaint tiled bathrooms and mopping beautiful brick floors, sealing-up an open roof-top vent left from a removed old pot-belly stove, and mending cool clay adobe wall holes left from pictures once hanging … basically doing all the things we Humans do to transform an empty house, through loving attention, into an enthusiastically adopted Home. And in the midst of this higher mission, we endeavored to limit the whining while enduring:  the hot nights of too few screened windows, the affects of a drier higher elevation, the dark nights of braving roaming coyotes while protecting pups that seemed to wish there was an indoor potty area,  and for me – I found myself challenged to shower standing next to a shower window open to the vast desert dark (what can I say? …scenes of an old creepy movie rolled around in my head) – did I mention how black the desert night can be?  Still we got through it all –  and found ways to poke fun and laugh at ourselves and our perception of our real or imagined struggle. We delighted in sharing the fun of chopping down dead trees with an axe! …. and mending fallen down gates and fences even while the desert winds kicked its dust into our faces … It WAS awesome!!! Seriously,  it was like being back on my Dad’s Madera rancho all over again. There was so much to love in the midst of this very physical (100+ degree) dry heat endeavor.
Laughing, encouraging, challenging each other, and loving the pure abiding settling-in and new owner creation time we witnessed, and willingly contributed to, in Eldorado’s inhabited desert of historic adobe-style restricted homes held to the long enduring rich culture and tradition of their land and community. At night, during the nights I was lucky enough to sleep deeply,  I was visited in dreams by my folks – both gone on now – who delivered blessings and a sense of joy about us being there. They seemed to be celebrating their grandson, Lucas’, venture into the land of his Grandfather. Very spiritual nights for me. Dad’s heart-land was Arizona but he loved the desert in general and would have been very happy to be on this trip with us all.
A couple of days into the bungalow’s cleaning, some time opened up for us to travel into Santa Fe to check out many of the shops and offerings there. An oxygen & healing bar holding promises of special H2O and spiritual refreshments came with warnings they might numb our mouth or head, or cause us to feel oddly different. Although none of that occurred, it was a unique experience.  The air delivery technique was challenging for me to find a comfort spot with the nose tube of special healing air, and with it,  I felt instant compassion for anyone who must endure 24/7 of this tube for their breath of life. As we explored Santa Fe, we were energized by the vibrant furniture featured in an enormous rug shop of 1 million enormous indoor European rugs – where they do inventory which never ends.   They have importers who bring hundreds of amazing rugs, doors, exotic statues and unique pieces – in from the middle east and India – all fascinating and I wanted to bring everything home. As we strolled in and out of stores, Jessica carefully scouted each spot and captured some fabulous and creative bungalow enhancing items.
In every store that showed potential for creatively inspiring “home” stuff – we introduced ourselves to the sales folks and put our good friendly energy into the shops and the folks that may very well become the go-to spots for Jessica & Lucas. As Jessica and Lucas selected awesome furniture, rugs and accessories for their new investment, Steve and I felt grateful to be a part of the beginning of their Santa Fe adventure and happy for them – because we knew that this dream destination of their making was just a blink of time away from its full amazingness – just as they were envisioned it. All these events were super rich and rewarding- even when they were challenging.   And oh! – the community LOVES dogs so our pups were welcome everywhere.
Fireworks for the 4th – were a serious no-no out in Eldorado and it makes sense with the dry hot terrain. One spark and a huge fire could fly. Instead we watched the sunset, cheered a cooler breeze-on and rested after long days of physical land-loving yard work. We did what people did in the old days, we talked. And then once the internet was up and running, we watched movies, played “Sorry” (I won against great odds) and even did some remote telecommuting for work. With each day we held intention to become more easily acclimated to this new environment and just when things began to flow more easily (after the plumber finally showed up!) … it was time to pack-up and head home.
At the end of our stay, on Friday morning, we dropped Jessica off at the airport in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She had a family event to attend in Florida. Lucas and our crew continued our caravan onto Flagstaff, Arizona – for an overnight before Lucas headed onto San Francisco and Steve and I headed to Fresno. Both of us were looking at an 8 to 11-hour drive home. It sounds shorter than it felt, especially to my 65 year young bod. Our road trip home included a variety of weather systems from intense heat and sun, to severe winds, to powerful rain pockets and of course,  miles and miles of road and gorgeous desert valleys & mountains.

After a brief drop into Fresno to check-in on some family, Steve and I finally arrived back home in Aptos, California around 2 a.m. Sunday,  and were filled with renewed gratitude for the comforting Santa Cruz cool coast air…. And our own good ol’ big comfy bed!   Big Gratitude full circle is a wonderful, wonderful thing!!   Be Well everyone! XO


Chew longer… by c.e.leon

Old photographs are powerful portals into a core space in our being’s energy. Meaningful memories and sensations filed in cerebral cabinets. Captured split-seconds of our life, consciously suppressed, or simply forgotten about – dormant unless somehow triggered.

Recently discovering a photo taken in 1972 of my younger brothers in the backyard of the home we all grew-up in, did just that. It is a shot taken by me, of my brothers rushing past me, one evening at dusk. Both were eager to escape my lens eye. My youngest brother rushes quickly by leaning toward my camera, yet he is still recognizable in his blur – I can still see him…in his youth of 15. In the middle of a growth spurt he is long and lean, sporting wild shaggy hair. Dressed in his standard – a yellow collarless polo t-shirt, brown cords and a wide mischievous grin. Rushing right behind him is my other younger brother – the older of the two. He’s in his typical work-ready clothes…clean-cut at 16, worn jeans, work boots and a white t-shirt with a thin sweatshirt, which he has pulled up to cover his face…much like a celebrity sick of the paparazzi, would.

What instantly comes to my heart with this snap-shot is a sense regret. A melancholy regret, that back then, I was incapable of being more in the moment with my brothers. I was incapable of truly seeing them, of appreciating them and embracing the fun and joy of their young energy. To be present in understanding that those moments were going to pass and never be re-experienced. I wish I had had much more fun, more laughter, more celebration with them. That I had built a closer and stronger relationship of friendship and life partnership with them…. I wish.

… yet, I too was just an unaware child-at-heart at 18… a truly young 18 – just ending high school. Totally lost about my life’s direction and my decisions that lay ahead.

I love my brothers. If only we could go back simply to repair or to re-live the part when we were too distracted to do it better the first time. Oh, to go back for “seconds”, for a second helping of love– a second chance to be in the experience. To understand that just as with a meal, if you take your time, be in the moment with each mouthful and chew slowly, chew longer… linger…let the juices melt into one’s palate…savoring the flavor….you create space that invites you to experience the potential for joy in every moment.

A Ripple of Love 8/5/13

Just back from the other side of the world, I’m still gradually getting my “this side of the world” land-legs back. Messages full of love from friends and family come-in to greet me. Welcoming me home and making my return transition easier.

I gratefully have so much to do and catch-up on. Lots of experiences still to write about from my extraordinary trip. My sweetheart remained on the other side of the world to continue working in Abu Dhabi…and I’m back to California and to missing him again.

Yesterday, despite my jet-lag, I honored an appointment for a coaching session with my peer- coach in-training. In our session, I was mentally fuzzy and low-energy yet, my peer-coach was awesome and met me exactly where I was. We cut it short and promised to make-up time next week. Later that night I spent time out with fun and funny friends and struggled to stay awake to get back my circadian rhythm for this side of the planet – and – all in all – it was a very good night.

Today I woke to an email message from my peer-coach in which she included a video for me to enjoy. It wasn’t until the end of the day that I finally got the chance to listen to it…. And oh my… it triggered a little love fest in my front room. I listened and danced…alone… over and over. Joyful…Inspired.

As I listened I was carried away with overwhelmed with appreciation, love, and the empowering good-spirit transmitted to me from the song…and from the generosity of my peer-coach’s action.

One song, one moment in all it’s greatness! Music has that amazing transformative power to change anything… I began to think, I can’t wait to share this love power and fun with others….to bring them joy and energy. To pass on the love I had been sent.

Before I knew it, one by one, as the day moved on, the opportunities to share started coming to me. As I talked to people, exchanged emails, randomly thought of people – I became aware that with my intention for my day – today – I set in motion an organic attraction of people toward me – particularly people who were in need of some uplifting energy, some encouragement. I had the perfect gift for them…a special song sent to me simply to have fun with… !

Experiencing once again how beautiful it is to share…. sharing love. The joy in passing love on…..

and so in that spirit…. now… I’m passing love on to YOU.

So friends, listen, enjoy, and dance.

Welcome into your space – this song that sings about strength, expression, love, voice and the greatness of your personal bravery… About how we all have a choice to let our words come out and to live our best life. Enjoy and pass it on…..pass on your love.

http://youtu.be/QUQsqBqxoR4 Be Brave.

Thank you Cheryl…. You started this ripple of love…

With Gratitude,

“All you need is Love….”

What I love about the movie “Moulin Rouge” (with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor http://youtu.be/RKuala20KJA ) is that it uniquely illustrates one among millions of stories about love – in a fun, memorable and creative way. Communicating with song, dance and an imaginative script holding a central message about the experience of love. It emphasizes that love holds the greatest experience we’ll ever have… which is to love and be loved in return. Likewise in “The Fifth Element” (with Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich – http://youtu.be/2P8jJNbLREo ) – which is about love’s unlimited power to effect the world, and our essential need for the experience of love. Using a brilliantly humorous screenplay, “The Fifth Element” delivers a deep visual analogy, that illustrates the energy and influence of love in all its dimensions. Packaged in a futuristic “Being” who contains the universal message of love’s power to vibrate throughout the universe, making a profound impact beyond what we consciously understand or appreciate.

“Love…love is all you need”…. There are truthfully a billion stories that can be written about love; that already have been written about love and that definitely will to be written in the future and forever more … about love. That said, there are just as many reasons why seeking a higher self-awareness in effort to consistently live in alignment with a value to operate – to “show-up” in life – from the intention of love – is an honorable goal. Personal-training to be a love-warrior (or as Sade says “Soldier of Love” http://youtu.be/IR5_rTCi-Bo )- is a commitment that I hold myself to achieving on my journey. My heartfelt views expressed though writing serve to strengthen my focus on love….and along the way I hope, my sharing may guide you to your own love insights and delights.

I hope you will look for my on-going new posting (as they bubble-up) shown with titles on the menu.
With Gratitude & Love,