A Ripple of Love 8/5/13

Just back from the other side of the world, I’m still gradually getting my “this side of the world” land-legs back. Messages full of love from friends and family come-in to greet me. Welcoming me home and making my return transition easier.

I gratefully have so much to do and catch-up on. Lots of experiences still to write about from my extraordinary trip. My sweetheart remained on the other side of the world to continue working in Abu Dhabi…and I’m back to California and to missing him again.

Yesterday, despite my jet-lag, I honored an appointment for a coaching session with my peer- coach in-training. In our session, I was mentally fuzzy and low-energy yet, my peer-coach was awesome and met me exactly where I was. We cut it short and promised to make-up time next week. Later that night I spent time out with fun and funny friends and struggled to stay awake to get back my circadian rhythm for this side of the planet – and – all in all – it was a very good night.

Today I woke to an email message from my peer-coach in which she included a video for me to enjoy. It wasn’t until the end of the day that I finally got the chance to listen to it…. And oh my… it triggered a little love fest in my front room. I listened and danced…alone… over and over. Joyful…Inspired.

As I listened I was carried away with overwhelmed with appreciation, love, and the empowering good-spirit transmitted to me from the song…and from the generosity of my peer-coach’s action.

One song, one moment in all it’s greatness! Music has that amazing transformative power to change anything… I began to think, I can’t wait to share this love power and fun with others….to bring them joy and energy. To pass on the love I had been sent.

Before I knew it, one by one, as the day moved on, the opportunities to share started coming to me. As I talked to people, exchanged emails, randomly thought of people – I became aware that with my intention for my day – today – I set in motion an organic attraction of people toward me – particularly people who were in need of some uplifting energy, some encouragement. I had the perfect gift for them…a special song sent to me simply to have fun with… !

Experiencing once again how beautiful it is to share…. sharing love. The joy in passing love on…..

and so in that spirit…. now… I’m passing love on to YOU.

So friends, listen, enjoy, and dance.

Welcome into your space – this song that sings about strength, expression, love, voice and the greatness of your personal bravery… About how we all have a choice to let our words come out and to live our best life. Enjoy and pass it on…..pass on your love.

http://youtu.be/QUQsqBqxoR4 Be Brave.

Thank you Cheryl…. You started this ripple of love…

With Gratitude,

2 responses to “A Ripple of Love 8/5/13

  1. Good Morning Chris, I am so happy that you are back here in the U S of A. You recently asked me how I wanted to show up in an area of love in my life and that question fueled so many thoughts and emotions. I took a couple of days to “process” my thoughts and feelings and then went on to fully show up for and with the person I was sharing love for. It was beautiful. I experienced most profoundly, however, that when I looked within to show up fully for myself, I was then able to show up for the other person. Life is always for us! Love is the answer!! love love love, Lisa

    • Lisa, I am so grateful for your beautiful sharing… Awesome that you let yourself remain OPEN for that amazing process and insight…That’s what’s so great about YOU… Yes, Love is the answer! I constantly remind myself that in any tough situation I face… that my question should always be how can I show-up in “this” from love? You just gave a beautiful example of your moment. Brilliant. xo with gratitude, chris

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